Encouragement from Your Pastor
From Senior Pastor Tim Parton:
March 2021
In chapter 4 of the book of “John”, we find the story of the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus at Jacob's Well. She had come like many other times before to draw water from the well to supply her daily needs. But this day would be very different than any other time. Today, she would meet Jesus, and He began to tell her about the Living Water that only He could give. He told her about her past not to try and shame her but to give her hope that she could have a new and better life. A life filled with joy, peace, and renewed hope that only comes through His saving Mercy and Grace. The well represents a place where daily needs can be met, a place of refreshing, and a place of restoration in Jesus. If you are weary and tired from life`s struggles, then bring it to the well. Jesus will be there waiting.
February 2021
Anytime we read or study the Word of God, regardless of Book, Chapter, or Verse, we find that it is all very good. However, there are verses of scripture that just seem to take hold of our attention in such a powerful way that we truly are awestruck by how we see God operating within them. The first chapter of Genesis has always fascinated me. The very first verse states that: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What we need to expound on here is that in the beginning God was already there. Before time ever began, HE was there. He is the Creator and without Him there is no creation. Our Heavenly Father is very meticulous in everything He orchestrates, paying attention to even the smallest of detail. We can all take comfort in the fact He has a plan for each and every life, yours, mine, and whosoever will believe. Jeremiah 29:11.
As you enter into the Word of God, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and to open your eyes and ears to what the scriptures are saying. We serve an awesome and mighty God that loves us beyond our comprehension. He only made one of you.
March 2021
In chapter 4 of the book of “John”, we find the story of the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus at Jacob's Well. She had come like many other times before to draw water from the well to supply her daily needs. But this day would be very different than any other time. Today, she would meet Jesus, and He began to tell her about the Living Water that only He could give. He told her about her past not to try and shame her but to give her hope that she could have a new and better life. A life filled with joy, peace, and renewed hope that only comes through His saving Mercy and Grace. The well represents a place where daily needs can be met, a place of refreshing, and a place of restoration in Jesus. If you are weary and tired from life`s struggles, then bring it to the well. Jesus will be there waiting.
February 2021
Anytime we read or study the Word of God, regardless of Book, Chapter, or Verse, we find that it is all very good. However, there are verses of scripture that just seem to take hold of our attention in such a powerful way that we truly are awestruck by how we see God operating within them. The first chapter of Genesis has always fascinated me. The very first verse states that: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What we need to expound on here is that in the beginning God was already there. Before time ever began, HE was there. He is the Creator and without Him there is no creation. Our Heavenly Father is very meticulous in everything He orchestrates, paying attention to even the smallest of detail. We can all take comfort in the fact He has a plan for each and every life, yours, mine, and whosoever will believe. Jeremiah 29:11.
As you enter into the Word of God, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and to open your eyes and ears to what the scriptures are saying. We serve an awesome and mighty God that loves us beyond our comprehension. He only made one of you.