Pastor Tim & Gale Parton
Senior Pastor
Pastor Tim Parton has been involved in Gospel Ministry since age of 15 when his mom and dad, feeling led by God to place something in his hands, bought Tim his first guitar. Within 3 weeks, he was playing the guitar and God had given him the first of many songs that he would write. Tim will be the first one to tell you that he feels very humbled and grateful for everything that God has done in his life. God has used the talents that He placed in Tim`s life to touch people around the world. Tim`s songs have been played in over 200 countries around the world on radio and television. Before he became a pastor, Tim and his wife Gale toured in the US and Canada on a regular basis. In 2014, they felt a shift in the direction that God wanted to use them, and on August 3, 2014 they founded Abundant Life Worship Center in Sevierville Tennessee where Tim serves as the Senior Pastor. The Vision is just beginning and the “Best” is yet to come.
Pastor Steve & Cindy Rose
Associate Pastor
Retired Police officer with 30 years of service, Pastor Rose Retired at the rank of Lieutenant. He graduated in May of 2019 of the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Program , which covered supervisor, command and executive level leadership courses. Pastor Rose has been in the ministry since 1997. He has an associate's degree in Religious Education from Covington Theological Seminary in Roseville, GA. which he received on August 6, 1999. He was licensed and ordained by New Life Church of God on October 22, 2006. He serves as the Associate Pastor of Abundant Life Worship Center and has since our first service on August 3, 2014.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors: Tim & Gale Parton, Steve & Cindy Rose, Bill Bevins, Keith Lamon, Ken & Judy Ballard, Tim Bevins
Church Ambassador: Elder Rev. Bob Bradley
The Abundant Life Worship Center Board of Directors was set in place to help govern the affairs of the church according to our bylaws. They meet quarterly to discuss the growing needs of our church.
ALWC Praise Band
Tim, Eric, Greg, Mark, James, Gary, Gale, Lisa, Sarah, Anita, & Kayla
ALWC praise band will surely bless you. We would love to share our talents with you that God has given us.
Sound & Media
Kim Parton, Angela Hudson, Bob Bradley, James Youngblood, and Chad Shore
The sound and media crew help keep our communication lines open.